Thursday, March 5, 2009

OTHERS March 2009


FRESNO BOGGS - 2nd month in a row!

JONATHAN has been working, hiking, working, walking on the treadmill, working, doing church work, working and working some more. He needs to get a life. We spent 3 wonderful days in Monterey celebrating our 21st anniversary. It was great and relaxing (and I did not work). Thank goodness for free hotel nights from traveling for work.

CLAUDIA: Maybe if I start backwards this month I can remember what I’ve done. Jonathan and I had a very nice stay in Monterey this weekend. We walked around all the shops and enjoy the beautiful bay. We went to the Monarch Butterfly Grove and saw reindeer instead of butterflies. We enjoyed the rain. Went to church-it was amazing the ward members were all on time. As we drove out after Sacrament meeting the cars were parked along the long drive way, double parked in the parking lot and lining the street which was on a steep grade—good reason to be on time. 21 years together and still having a “wonderful” time. I was asked to speak at Enrichment on my relationship with Jonathan and specifically our communication skills; which was nice, reflecting and evaluating our relationship. Seminary and work are going well. I’m glad we had the chance to attend Michael’s funeral and to visit with family. Three stages of his life joined as one. We will miss him.

CHELSY: Well lets see.....Not much has changed since last month. I've been working more hours (thankfully) at work do to the unfortunate loss of our copy and print manager....I think I have done more copy jobs in the last week then I did in all of Jan. and the first half of Feb. I'm sooooo happy now that I can have texting (its coming soon). Other than that everything else is the same. According to my bishopric I have become a little social butterfly. I am spending almost more time out of the house than in it. I spend most of my time with 3 of my best girlfriends watching movies, going to the mall, having hot tub parties, going to dances, and staying out late....expect on Sunday-Thurs. (mom and dad re-instated my curfew :,( i guess i stayed out too late a few too many times). Oh and one last and final thing. I am soooooooooo looking forward to my b-day in just a couple weeks cause i will finally be out of the -teens....Im turning 20!!!!!!!!!! :P

ASHLEY is now especially excited for life. I have it all planned out… well, sorta… at least now I have goals. Well, starting with what’s happening now, I am in a musical for my stake! I am one of four dancers, (two of which have been dancing sense almost diapers, YIKES) and im lovin it! I can now officially drop flat into a perfect split (that’s hard) I am now confident enough to throw my body into the air at crazy speeds (UH OH) I can easily do the vertical splits (takes a lot of balance) and do all that while smiling =) whew… so you should all come to the musical to watch me and david! The performances are on: Saturday March 14, at 5:30 and 7:00 and again on Sunday March 15 at 6:30. so be there! (perfect chance to laugh at me if you want)

So as for my school life, its going pretty cool. And I have officially decided that I want to get my Ph. D. in Nutrition by the time im 32. I think that’s a pretty good goal. One that im going to have to work hard for. So that’s me in a nutshell (literally) Oh, and Caralee, thanks for the FUN day. It definitely was exciting!

DAVID: So... like ashley i'm in the stake musical except i'm not one of the dancers. i'm a premortal. yep a premortal. i'm going to be above stage level with three other people... =D School is ok. today the freshmen at edison registered for their classes and my electives were (in order from most wanted to less wanted) AP Music Theory, French 1 (i'm switching from German), and theater 1. i only get one elective unless i take marching band which takes place of p.e. band is a seventh period so i figured i'd have two elective classes. o boy i'm stuck. c u soon =D *_~


Things have been absolutely crazy this month. Rabilin is 8 weeks from delivering our third child. It's a girl. We are thinking we are going to name her Elodie, like melody without the m, but can't decide how to spell it AND haven't been able to come up with a middle name yet. She took two trips to Nevada this month. The first one was with Quinten and Charly to Mesquite for Mike's cousin's wedding. Mike came down after a couple of days. Then this last weekend Rabilin and Charly flew to Vegas for Sage's baby blessing. Rabilin is very glad to be home for a while. Now she can get her house cleaned up and ready for another baby.

Mike is loving his job as a Saralee bread vendor. He likes the fact that he can do his job and just go home when he is done. He was just called to be the Sunday School President this month and he is waiting for them to call his counselors, hopefully this Sunday. He and Quinten got to spend a very fun weekend together while Rabilin and Charly were in Vegas. They went to the Dinosaur Museum and to the ice cream parlor and to see "Bolt". Busy busy boys...

Quinten is three and full of energy. His favorite teddybear's head started to come off so he had to go to the doctor to be fixed. He was a brave bear and got a small baseball glove, ball and bat for being to good at the doctor. Quinten loved to spend time with his dad. He kept commenting on the size of the dinosaurs that they saw, whether they were bigger or smaller than he was. He loves being a Sunbeam and going to Primary now and his teachers are really good.

Charly is 19 months and talking up a storm. Rabilin decided that she talks too much after spending 5 days in a car and hotel with her. She is stubborn and knows exactly what she wants and she give up until she gets it. She loves to go to nursery and is content to just sit and sing songs the whole time. All the other mothers who stay in nursery with their children want to know what we have done so she is just fine with us leaving her. Charly loves her brother and wants to do everything that he does. It's kinda fun to watch that bond grow between them.


We had made a bet on how long it would be till Jackson (the accident prone one) would wind up in the ER this year. Much to our surprise, it was Jacob who stepped up to the plate and took one for his little brother in a big way. While attending the Merced Criterium (Timmy’s bike race) a cyclist went out of control and plowed through Jacob going about 30 mph. Jacob sustained a broken collar bone, split chin and an assortment of road rash. Mental note; get rid of the sign that says “Don’t Crash”. He will be in a sling for about a month and isn’t allowed to run around or use his arm. Luckily, Jacob is still the smartest kid in his class, but is going to have to write with his left hand until his right arm heals. Maybe we’ll get a south paw out of this. The following is a link to his injury pictures.

Jackson is as cute as ever. People who are not in our family are finally becoming able to understand him. Jackson has somehow managed to stay out of the hospital this year and for that we are grateful. Hopefully he is not saving up for something big. Otherwise Jackson is enjoying playing at home with Mama while Jacob is at school.

Emily is super busy with her calling in Young Women’s. Emily, as many of you know, has discovered Facebook. She picked it up to be able to get in touch with the young women in the ward, and is now the coolest leader they have ever had. Emily is still tutoring almost every day and is looking forward to the end of the school year.

Chris says that he is getting close to finishing his Thesis on rivers and groundwater and chemical something or other. He is planning on graduating in May and is beginning his job search. We are all excited to see Chris finally be done with school, but not sure what he has been doing or what he will be doing after he is done. Chris is also super excited to be able to use his new sewing machine and tailor some of Jacob’s clothes to make them more functional while he has his collar bone injury.


JEREMY had a super busy month at work, but that is for another time. Here's what Jeremy did for fun this month: he took the scouts up to the snow for their annual snow/cabin overnighter and brought home a truck bed full of snow that provided hours of fun for the kids. He also took Jennifer out on Valentine's Day for a fun-filled evening of food, friends and laser tag!

JENNIFER has been happily busy with her new calling in Young Women's. She is the secretary to a busy group of girls! She started up a new blog (click here to check it out) to keep the parents connected with a calendar of planned activities and to record all of the events that take place. She also got to teach the first Sunday lesson to the whole group of girls and leaders. She does a new bulletin board, scrapbook page for the 2 spotlights, puts out a newsletter and sends out letters to less active girls each month all the while attending the weekly activites.

TREVOR just finished his Blue and Gold dinner for cub scouts. It was an All American themed night. The boys planned a potluck pasta meal that was so yummy. Each boy made a cake for dessert and was given a participation award. Trevor got the "Liberty Licious" award for his most awesome cake.

LOGAN is always up for a good time. He tagged along with Jeremy's scout troop on their snow adventure and had a blast rolling around in all that fresh snow. He came home and played for hours in that snow pile in the front yard. Logan lost another tooth this month - he's lookin' a little jack-o-lanternish these days. He has 3 empty spots where he just recently lost teeth and one permanent tooth halfway grown in. Check out his smile if you get a chance - it will make YOU smile.

LIZZIE broke her pinky toe! Can you believe it? The first person in our family to break a bone was our little girl. She was at a birthday party at Pump it Up (a bounce house facility), was coming down a slide, and caught her toe just right to break the bone clean in half. Long story short we ended up at Valley Children's where they put her in a full walking cast for 4 weeks.

JACKSON is a big boy now! He finally climbed out of his crib and into his new big boy bed. This new sleep location has caused a rift in all of our sleep habits. Lizzie now shares a room with him, Jackson refuses to stay in bed, Trevor and Logan get "body slammed" while they are sleeping, and mommy and daddy don't get to go to sleep until Jackson finally passes out. Jackson is no longer allowed to nap during the day, but consistently falls asleep at about 6PM because he is so worn out and then stays up late into the night due to this evening nap.

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