Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Boggs Girls Baby Shower for Amy & Baby Bella

The Boggs girls got together at to shower Amy before little baby Bella arrives. She's due in 2 weeks!!

All the ladies helped out with dinner - we dined on delicious salads, bread, and pink punch! Pink for baby girls!! Amy scored with all kinds of hand made baby blankets, cute bows, diapers galore and cute cute clothes. Now we just need a baby to put all these items to good use.

Here are all the ladies that were there.

Melody & Amy/guest of honor

Ashley & Claudia

Elizabeth & Mica

Suzanne, Caralee & Allyson

Chelsy & Gma Boggs

Lori & Byron

Jenn and her 2 girls Lydia & Cambria

Jennifer with Jackson and Lizzie

The whole group.

It was a great night of family and fun. Thanks everyone for coming and making it such a special time for Amy.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Artichoke Dip

1 15 oz. can un-marinated artichoke hearts
1 8 oz. pkg cream cheese
1 4 oz. can chopped green chilis or 1 Tbs. canned chopped jalapenos
½ c. mayonnaise
4 oz. shredded parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 350º. Mix all ingredients together except 1 oz. of parmesan cheese. Heat in oven for 25 minutes or until warm. Sprinkle remaining parmesan cheese evenly over warm dip and cook 5 more minutes. Serve warm with pita chips.

Monday, January 5, 2009

OTHERS January 2009

Put these Boggs Family Dates on your new 2009 calendar:

May 10th: Mother's Day Desserts at Gramma Boggs's
6:00 PM Gramma's house. Bring a dessert and sit and visit for awhile.

July 4th: Fireworks at Durans
Bring a chair and some food to share. We start when it starts to get dark or when they just can't wait any longer to blow something up!

July 17th- 24th: Pismo
Crowd in with the Durans in their two campsites if you want to come but didn't make a reservation. We have room for you. (We will expect delicious food items to be paid in exchange for rent.)

July 24th: Gramma Boggs Birthday Dinner
Dinner out with gramma after we all get back from Pismo. Gramma, start thinking of where you want to eat.

November 26th: Turkey Bowl
Same place as usual - on Armstrong between Shaw and Gettysburg Ave. Treats at Marshalls after someone else wins the Trophy. (Not sure how this happened but right now the trophy is at the Duran's !%#)

November 26th: Thanksgiving Dinner
This is the Boggs's ON YEAR. Everyone and their gramma is invited. We will be having dinner at one of the church buildings and will be playing games in the cultural hall (right Jonathan?).

December 19th: Boggs Christmas Breakfast
9:00 AM at Gramma Boggs's Clubhouse. What assignment do you want this year?

Any questions about these calendar items can be emailed to ELIZABETH.

BCB 2008 Slideshow

For those of you that were not able to attend our Boggs Family Christmas Breakfast - we missed you! And for everyone that was there - thanks for making it such a nice time. The food was tasty, the crafts and games fun for the kids (and adults), centerpieces and table decor were perfect, gift exchange story new and also quite fun, singing time was rousing, nativity was pulled of nicely - with only 2 angels this year and one Mary, and my favorite, the dancing Marshall boys were a hit! Special thanks to ELIZABETH for organzing and coordinating the whole thing.

(**Do not forget! Mica opened the Turkey Bowl trophy during the gift exchange! Then there won't be any unnecessary searching for the trophy come Thanksgiving next year.**)

Thank you to Stephanie for these 2 excellent videos from our BCB 2008. Enjoy!

The Nativity

The Marshall's Sleigh Ride


Holiday traditions take over our lives during the month of December - decorating, school events, shopping, parties and everything else that comes with the season.
Here are a few highlights from our busiest month of the year!

We did the BCB.

We did a long overdue 10th anniversary photo shoot.

Trevor started wrestling. Check out that singlet!

Logan lost his 2 front teeth! Just in time for Christmas!

Lizzie performed in her first dance recital.

Jackson continued his obsession with trains until he fell asleep mid-play. (He also got his first black eye that week - look closely and you can see a little purple around his eye.)

Three days before Christmas we went up to the Tenaya Lodge for a quick one night trip. The kids love to swim in their heated pool, go ice skating and play in the snow. We woke up in the morning to a beautiful white scene out our window. The snow was coming down as we were all still warm and toasty in our beds. It's a fun tradition we do each year that relaxes us before all the craziness begins.

Happy New Year!!

Lucas is now 17 months old and December was exciting for him in many realms, one of which was decorating and undecorating any Christmas Tree he came across. There were just too many ornaments that looked like his favorite toy, the "ball." He got a DVD player for those long car rides to Clovis and loves his new magnet farm toy as well. He's easy to please!!

Eric has 3 1/2 months to go. He spent his Christmas at their office/shop/bomb storage, where they had a Pizza party with his men, but unfortunately the pizza was terrible tasting. He is super busy as always, and counting down the days until his return.

Caralee is also counting down the days until her babysitter, I mean Eric returns. She is ever so busy with her calling and is sewing, sewing, sewing up a storm. Spring classes start soon and she's excited about her new classes!

La Familia Duran
We were expecting a somewhat quiet holiday season since our family has dwindled in size, but to our surprise this was one of the most busy and fun Christmas's we have ever had. In two weeks time we attended and participated in 18 extra events, shows, and parties - taking food to each one of course - and when that was all over it was time for a mad wrapping of presents to be ready in time for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Now, with an additional 5 lbs around the waist, we sit as zombies. Well, only because we are finally out of chocolate - the one item which has sustained us due to its constant supply throughout the past 30 days.

Jordan & Stephanie had a good Christmas and made it to every party that they needed to. As well as working like dogs and trying not to go crazy while doing so. Jordan was expecting to have tons of hours but was glad to see he didn't have as many as he thought he would. Stephanie picked up as many as she could so she wouldn't be bored this holiday time. They are both glad to have the business slow down so they can take it easy for a bit. But that wont last for long.

Mica has discovered life with an ipod. Now that she is connnected she surfaces only for food and water.