I thought it would be fun to spotlight one family member each month in our newsletter. Hopefully this spotlight section will help us know a little more about each other than we previously knew. Say hello to ... NANCY!
What is your favorite color? my favorite color is yellow or orange. very bright!
What are your hobbies these days? hobbies these days.... reading westerns, exploring different places, learning 1 new thing a year, grandchildren
Do you have a childhood memory you'd like to share? favorite childhood memory... summer time lying on the blanket outside looking at the stars and talking with family, homemade ice cream
What is something on your bucket list? (A bucket list is a list of things you want to experience during your lifetime.) go scuba diving, go para sailing (don't know the real name), see more of the United States
Hello from the Utah Boggs clan!
We are all doing well and of course, keeping busy (who isn't). Let's see, all of us are in school. Mathias is in 9th grade and is playing football. Peter is doing electrical work full-time and school part-time. DeeAnn is doing school full time and working part-time, don't ask her what she is going to be when she grows up, she is taking requests. Or in other words, what do you see her doing successfully? Any ideas? Tiana is going to school full-time (at BYUIdaho) and working part-time.
DeeAnn has been helping her mother get enrolled in school and hoping she can start by January.
It is peach season in Utah and apples are starting too. Berries are about done I think, and pears are done. Fresh fruit sure is lovely isn't it, and so very yummy.
We have so many things to be grateful for, family, home, and good food to eat, trees and birds and etc.
Keep smiling and remember to laugh,
Scott News
Hi All! We are alive and fine. We have learned some things that we would like to pass along for future reference. Always have cash on hand($500.00). Credit cards and debit do not work during a hurricane unless you are about 300 miles away. A lot of stores still take only cash. Carry food,water, and changes of clothes. Have at least 3 five gallon gas cans full of gas as well as a full tank in your vehicle. Always have a rack and chain saw. A generator is a real plus but not just any generator. Coleman is not a good brand. Sam's club carries good generators. Jody and John Paul have been home for the last month. It has been nice visiting and spending time with them. John Paul is back in Afganistan as of last week. It is still beautiful and green here. Ivan and Catherine are back in school. They had a hurricane holiday of two weeks.
We are looking forward to Halloween!
JEREMY took Jennifer to UCLA for the Fresno State football game. It was a fun trip with friends and no kids for the day. (Thank you Gramma Elizabeth for watching our kids!) The Bulldogs did not break our hearts that day - they actually won - it was awesome!
TREVOR is our cross country boy. He's doing his best running in all his meets. Practice is pretty brutal though. They run 3+ miles every day! And it was in the high 90's last week. He hasn't asked to quit - that's dedication for ya. Trevor turned 9 years old last month and celebrated by taking a few friends to Laser Quest. It was a blast!
LOGAN is our soccer boy. Practices started last month and he loves it. He says, "Coach says I'm the best player on the team." Well...we don't know about "best" as in his skill level, but he really is the best at hustling and doing what coach asks.
LIZZIE started Joy School and Dance in September. She enjoys learning how to write her numbers and letters - more than any of our other kids. She'll just sit down at the table and practice for 30 minutes at a time all on her own. And "Ballerina Class" is the epitome of her existence. She LOVES dressing up in her leotard and tutu.
JACKSON continues to be our busy little body. Click here or here or here to read about his latest shenanigans.
We are almost to countdown mode for Eric's return to Fresno. 6 1/2 months to go from now and 6 months from October 19th to be exact. That's when the countdown begins everyone! ETA April 19th, 2009. Don't tell Al Queda, or we'll have to kill you.
Speaking of Eric, he's doing well and is currently undergoing a change in his routine from boring to crazy. They had six months of uneventfulness and now things are picking up with more incidents and more "soldier specific" issues. Needless to say, his days are going by faster now than ever. That may or may not be a good thing, depending on how you look at it.
Caralee is now the Second counselor in the Relief Society in their ward and is feeling quite busy herself. She's over enrichment and successfully pulled off a dinner for 60 people, which she was in charge of. The food was great and they had exactly the amount of people planned for! Her feet still hurt from standing up and doing dishes all night, but it was worth it.
Lucas is ever increasing in his report-oi of words. New editions are "thank you" and "bite." He has successfully broken into two baby-proofed drawers in the bathroom and almost all the baby-proofed cabinets in the kitchen thus far. It's really scary actually. The other day, Caralee found him rolling around on her bed while she was in the bathroom. You turn your back for one second...
Marshall Noose,
La Familia Duran
Louie has been working nights like crazy and sometimes he doesn’t get home till 6 or 7am. A lot of the time that’s all it seems like he does is work and sleep and that's it. Sometimes he goes 2 or 3 days with out seeing his children that still live at home.
Elizabeth has been working and getting stressed out over the musical a lot of time she will go to bed and then get up and get up just as Jordan comes walking in the door from work or Stephanie’s and every time that happens they both get scared bad, but its funny. Jordan even teases her that she is Suzanne’s reggi and boy does she hate it because all the times she called him that just blew up in her face.
Jordan has been working and going to school he doesn’t like either one of them but hey if he wants to get a better job he better stick with it. He and Stephanie have been together for 3 years now and to celebrate the two of them went to The Cheese Cake Factory and then to the Fresno Fair and bet on a couple Mule and Horse races and won $4.20 total but it was worth it. But hey he has always been the kind to place bets on things like that.
Mica has been going to all kinds of choir rehearsals and thinks she the best at singing. That all she does, even if she gets told to do some thing by her parents doesn’t do that because she is always doing that and that’s all she thinks she has time for. Her older brothers and sister think she need to get a job but her mom and dad don’t make her because she says she’s to busy with her choir stuff.
Daily Duran
For those of you who still don’t know we are please to announce that there is a little girl inside of Amy. Not that her inner child is coming out (but it is), but we are having a baby girl. Since our finding out this news Amy has been taking Thomas to register for every girly baby item she can find. What’s a boppy? Do we really need one? We are both excited and can’t wait for our little girl to join the outside world. Amy found a nice old lady to carpool with to her school that is 45 minutes away. Amy says, “she smells like cats.” And the lady is also LDS. Amy continues to enjoy her job out in San Joaquin with the little migrant school children. The students still call her “Maestra” or “Cheecher”. One day Amy decided to take role by calling out the students’ full names (she usually does something really creative to take role; she is always far from the norm). The students had never heard an Anglo pronounce these fully Mexican names and they giggled every time she said a name. By the time she made it through the roster the kids were laughing hysterically. Thomas has been having the time of his life with everything going on with work, school, a budding business, a budding wife, and church. Thomas anxiously awaits Amy’s arrival home everyday with a wide variety of foods in an attempt to feed her. Although after listing all of dishes prepared Amy will usually opt for a bowl of cereal. Thomas has also been enjoying his classes about public health. One of his teachers is an old hippie that went to Berkley during the 60’s and is very outspoken about the current state of health care. Have a good Halloween!!
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