There were many OTHERS who came to Pismo this year that are not pictured here.
Daily Duran
We have had a very busy summer and lots of fun from being with all of our family. We got to be with all of our Berry family for a reunion and spent the 4th of July watching fireworks with them up on top of the mountain looking out over Utah Valley. We also had a great time going to the water park with all of our family and friends in town. We loved getting away to Pismo to have fun with all of the Boggs family and escape the heat.
Clare is 6 months now and can scoot around on her tummy. She yells a lot and sounds like she is roaring. She loves to watch her older sister and follows her around everywhere.
Bella is turning into a fish. She can go under water in the pool to get her dive sticks. She will jump in from the edge and float over to you (if there is still enough momentum from her jump). She is a great big sister and makes Clare laugh when she is sad. Bella still says, “bye Ella,” to Ella McCreary when nobody is even around. She had such a good time with all her cousins.
Amy had fun (she says I don’t know about fun) organizing everything. She planned it all, packed us all up, and did a great job at it. She has been forever busy with primary, but has some good counselors she can rely on.
Thomas has been busy with work, and thought he was going to have the summer off from school, but he got a call from school asking him to do a project for his MBA over the summer. So he has meetings and research to do now. He is excited for his last semester to start in a few weeks.
It has been a busy busy summer! Let's see everything we've been up to with a quick photo narrative...
Jackson went to Family Camp for a week, loves to swim in the pool (he is swimming all the way across the pool now - taking breaths and everything!), and has enjoyed going to Wild Water Adventures. We got to spend a day there with the Durans.
Lizzie is in Montana right now on her first ever trip away from home without mom and dad. She took her first airplane ride to get there! Lizzie had fun boogie boarding at Pismo and never wanted to get out of the water. She also got to do a music camp this summer - they performed selections from Mary Poppins and she loved every minute of it!

Logan kicked off the summer by attending his last year of Cub Scout Day Camp. He got to fold the American flag in front of the entire camp! He has also been into air soft guns and drawing comics.
Trevor did water polo camp this summer. He is looking forward to his first season of Jr. High water polo this upcoming school year. Trevor got his fill of fishing this summer. He went fishing with grandpa Louie, at family camp, and at Pismo.
Trevor & Logan got to go to the midnight premier of Harry Potter 7.2, went with Jeremy to Santa Cruz island to kayak, and won a pie eating contest at the Ward Family Reunion.
Jeremy sold his motorcycle and purchased a new mountain bike (we like to call it "daddy's 5th baby"). He has been going mountain biking as often as possible. He even took a 'guys weekend' to Mammoth Mountain just to go mountain biking!
Jeremy & Jennifer got to spend some time together without the children this summer. We did some white water rafting and took a trip to LA to see Les Miserables and the Getty Museum.