Jeremy was determined to have a nice relaxing Spring Break. He kicked it off with a family date night at Red Robin, [took Jackson to the Urgent Care for stitches], took Jennifer to a Community Band Concert @ the Paul Shagoian Theater, took the family camping to Millerton Lake for 3 days, went mountain biking 3 times, did a bunch of pool maintenance in the backyard, fixed the car door handle, planted a garden with Trevor, and played a mean Nerf gun battle with the kids. Relaxing, eh?
Jennifer was BUSY cooking 1600 servings of rice pilaf for Jeremy's school fundraiser. 3 days and countless hours later... somehow it all got done! Just in case you were wondering, here is the recipe for 100 servings of pilaf:
Rice Pilaf
100 servings
40 oz. cut fideo pasta
1 cube butter
8 c. Uncle Ben's Converted Rice
2 c. white rice
36 c. water
Brown pasta in butter. Bring water to a rolling boil. Mix all ingredients in an 18 qt. roaster oven. Cook at 250 degrees for 90 minutes. (Do not lift lid while cooking.)
Trevor (& Logan) spent much of their precious dollars on plants, soil, and gardening supplies. Trevor took the lead role in mixing the soil and planting the plants. Cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, watermelon, peas, and carrots. He took grandma's advice on the proper watering techniques. He got more advice from Grandma Elizabeth on how to keep the snails out of the garden. He's been busy and dedicated to making those plants grow! He's out there every evening making sure they are weeded, watered, and snail free.
Logan had a great time camping at Millerton Lake during Spring Break. He got to hang out with his best buddies (Joel, Carter, and Sammy) building sand castles, hiking, burning stuff, and riding bikes.
Lizzie is growing up so fast. We have the "you-are-not-allowed-to-grow-up-any-more-you-must-stay-7-years-old-forever" talk at least once a week. We came across this sweet little video a couple of weeks ago. We were dying Easter eggs when she was about 3 years old. What a cute little girl! And look at how much she's grown since then. Can you not see the adolescent already starting to come out? We sure can!
Jackson turned 5 years old [photo #1]! And then 2 weeks later he busted his forehead open on the trampoline and had to get stitches [photo #2]! The scar will heal, but will always be in that prominent location. It's looking better already [photo #3].

Daily Duran
Clare was blessed in April and looked so pretty in her outfit. She is lots of fun smiling all the time at everyone. Clare loves to coo and watch everything that is going on especially when Bella is making a big mess.
Bella has fun playing a helping Amy all day long. She is started sleeping in her big bed and has realized she can get up and play instead of taking a nap. Bella is learning to sing her alphabet and will hit a few unorganized letters when you sing with her.
Amy reorganized her primary presidency and has been busy getting them all on the right track. She did a great job putting on the luncheon after Clare’s Blessing. Amy has been a great mom balancing between an infant and a 2 year-old.
Thomas is working and finishing up the semester. He spends most evenings at school in the library or at home doing homework. Can’t wait for summer to get here.
Well, life in the Motschiedler home is sure exciting these days. Desh is 3 months old and babbling and smiling and holding his head up during tummy time. Its all very exciting. We love having him in our family.
Last weekend he and I flew to Oregon with my mom for Macy Marshall's blessing. Desh got to meet the Oregonites for the first time. We had a lot of fun. Check out pictures at madmott.blogspot.com.
I've gone back to work parttime at the preschool and Desh gets to come with me. He's very popular! The kids love to visit him and the teachers love to hold him. We're busy getting ready for Mother's Day and Graduation and summer school. FIve weeks left of this school year!!
Ken got to stay home this weekend and get lots of sleep for the first time in 3 months. He missed us but was able to keep busy by visiting Costco and making our yard beautiful.
That about sums up this month. See ya next month!