Clare has been a nice little trooper. She has been eating very well and is gaining good weight. She sleeps quite a bit though never at the most desirable times. She still has her beautiful dark hair that is so thick. Sometimes she will smile in her sleep or after much coaxing from mom and dad.
In February Bella had her birthday and turned 2 years old. We went to a park and had a party for her and some of her little friends. They played on the equipment, ate little goodies, got to smack a Spiderman piñata around (thanks for the Spiderman, Mica). Bella got a little tricycle for her birthday for 2 yr olds, but her legs are still too short for the pedals or to touch the ground so she needs someone to push her around.
Amy has been continuing to run the primary for the ward from home. She takes care of her girls all day and tries to get what sleep Clare lets her have at night. She got cleared to start working out again from her doctor so she is recovering from her first time out for a run still.
Thomas is busy with school and work. He has been catching up on all the school work neglected from when Clare was born at the beginning of the semester. This will be his last semester in the MPH program so he is getting ready for his comprehensive exams in March and can not wait for the exams to be over so he can get back to his regular schoolwork again.
Jeremy had a great victory last month as he enjoyed a first place win coaching Logan's Destination Imagination team! They will move on to compete at State Finals in April.
Jennifer got creative and made the most awesome cake of all time to show at Logan's Blue and Gold Cub Scout Fundraiser. It was a Mexican Fiesta theme. And since we'd just watched Nacho Libre the week before for our family movie night, it seemed only appropriate to make a Nacho Libre cake. The boys loved it!

Trevor & Logan have begun a new hobby. Making movies of their outdoor adventures! Check out their first episode:
Lizzie learned to ski! Check out her first experience here:
Jackson has a funny story... He likes to cook his own chicken nuggets. Even when an adult offers help, he refuses. Jackson likes to be independent and press those microwave buttons on his own. Here's how he does it:
1. place 10 chicken dinosaurs on a plate.
2. climb up on the counter
3. place plate inside microwave
4. SLAM the micro door
5. press "1, 2, 3, 0, start" (That's 12 minutes and 30 seconds on the microwave)
6. get tired of waiting after only about a minute for them to cook (thank heavens for a short attention span!)
7. then scarf the nuggets!