What a January we have had here in Utah! Not only did we get to meet the newest McCrary (He is SO cute and SO tiny!) but Nancy came up and visited as well. It was nice to see her, and hear how things are going for them in Texas!
Toni had a death in her family just after Christmas. The bittersweet side to that, was that her sister who also lives in Texas came to visit for almost a week. It was lovely to have her back this January. Toni's loving her job (and glad to have it in this economy!) and for her anniversary present got a Wii, and some fitness games. She's working on this being a healthier year for the whole family.
Ben is settling into his new job as assistant manager at Lumber Liquidators. His boss is super nice, and its something he really enjoys doing. For Ben's anniversary present he got his very first tattoo (and is very excited about that!) and he took Toni to a fun fondue restaurant in Salt Lake City. It was a lovely, romantic evening, and we can't believe it's been 4 years already!
Rebekah is so close to finally being potty trained. We figured out what was slowing her down: a fear of the big potty seat! So a solid weekend of making friends with the big potty seat, and saying "I won't fall in!" over and over, we think she's got it! Hopefully the next newsletter will be a celebration of no more diapers! Bekah is also excited to be in the "big kid" class at her school. She's now upstairs in the preschool and loving it! Circle time, themed parties and counting are some of her favorite things now. Her imagination is just soaring and now she constantly has an imaginary "Grammy" or "Grandpa" in tow.
Hope everyone is as psyched for February as we are!
McKanda Mail
Hello All. This year is off and running for Amanda and me! We're both working long weeks and boarding up the windows on the weekends. Amanda was just promoted at the Nike Foundation's Girl Hub. She's helping adolescent girls in 3rd world countries and making a difference in the world. Last week her passport came in the mail, and next month she may be in London! Wow, really?! Crazy.
I am viciously pushing my new studio forward (www.theclink.tv) and landed some big clients like Adidas and Wacom– which is pretty exciting. I'll be moving into the new space sometime this month after a few more trips to the Apple store, Ikea, and maybe West Elm (Manda get's the credit for the last one... she's got mad interior chops). The studio is in Oregon City and should be pretty fun. Whenever you are in the Portland area, stop by for a visit!
We're busy with church as Priest Quorum and Beehive advisors; I just spoke in Sacrament meeting yesterday; Amanda just threw a life-sized game of Candyland for Mutual; Went to a Trailblazers game and watched them get slaughtered by Utah; Helped some friends move; stopped off for some Yo-Cream (highly recommended); Considered taking down the Christmas decor; Played some racquetball; Cooked an Acorn Squash (with minimal success); Consolidated my student loans... That's about it.
Here is a picture of our little guy! Thought you all might want to see what he looks like. A friend of mine took these photos and made up the announcements.

Rabilin & Family
Hello-I guess it is past time for a Loveland-Boggs family newsletter. We are doing well, a few colds maybe but no extraordinary aches or pains.We are all in school, and have a least part time jobs. We have food to eat and a place to live and guess what??? The newest announced Temple is 3 blocks from my house. We are all so very excited. Mathias thinks we should open a "Cold stone Ice Cream Franchise, so that people will have someplace to get their ice cream (a tradition when you go to Provo Temple is to visit BYU Creamery for ice cream) -- anyone want to help us? Or else he said I have to keep the freezer stocked. School is quite challenging for me, and yet it is good :) We wish we could hop over and see all you wonderful people in Fresno Area and other areas too.
I am sending along Tiana's last letter--and reminded of how grateful we are for all the people who have helped support missionaries--unsung heroes, we will not mention any names here. I am very challenged by my computer class--blogs, wiki and etc. Wow. Wish I had time to play on the computer and really learn some of these things. . .Mathias is recovering very well--from a broken collar bone, (playing football with his friends of course). He is having a very hard time staying away from sports and we hope he does not hurt/break it again. Well, other than being grateful for Family I have nothing else to say....except watch out, Mathias is going for his drivers license tomorrow. Stay off the roads and sidewalks!
Feb 03, 2010 12:37 AM
Hows it going? I hope everything is well. I feel like I start my e-mails almost exactly
the same ever week- sorry about that. Kinda lame. Well anyway, maybe if I think all
this week I can come up with some more creative beginning for next week... :)
Well, first off... Tranfers. Dun dun dun. This tranfer I think every sister
companionship in the mission had a change! Kinda crazy. Well, I am staying here in
Novosibirsk- on my nice little (huge) right bank. My companion is also staying in Novo.
But she is going to be serving on Left Bank. (I think this is the first time any sister
in this mission has gotten a transfer but stayed in the same city!) Anyway, she will be
taking Sister Gneiting's place. By the way- I can't believe that they are separating me
and Sister Gneiting! She was my companion in the MTC and we have been
"together" since July! :( Sad day. She will be serving in Irkutsk. My new
companion is Sister Mitchell III (the third sister mitchell to serve here)!! She is two
transfers older than me- goes on our visa trips with us- and is an American. She is also
from Utah- some little farm out in the middle of nowhere. Apparently she doesn't even
live in a town or anything. :) Kinda fun. She got here this morning and we picked her
up from the train station. I am excited to serve with her- although she said her Russian
got worse last transfer because even though she was serving with a Russian they always
spoke english together (kinda like me and my comp maybe). Anyway, it will be
interesting. I have to show her around here... and I just hope she can read Russian maps
better than I can. If not... it'll be a little bit of an adventure. But anyway... I am
Sometimes I still can't believe I am on a mission (in Russia of all places).
Missionaries are these people that everyone looks up to... and I guess I never really
thought I'd be one. It is interesting.
This past week or two I keep having these experiences that make me go- "man I am
sick of this language barrier! I think I would be a much more effective missionary if I
could understand what this person was saying... or if I could explain the answer to their
question..." etc etc etc. But don't worry- it has been more of a drive to do better
at learning the language than a "i give up I'm never gonna get this." It helps
me want to do better and study better and learn more. I mean, I can understand a lot of
what is going on, but... not enough! I know I have to have patience and keep working at
it- so I will. By the way, did I mention it is hard to make small talk? It is... And I
was thinking about it today... it is hard to know what to study to make small talk. If
you are talking about what they do at work... or what they like to do for fun or
something.. that is a HUGE variety of words! Kinda tricky to know which ones to choose
in advance. Just something I notice. Anyway... Those are some of my random thoughts for
the day.
One of our investigators, Nastia, came back from her "vacation"! It was really
exciting to see her and be able to meet with her again. She is such a sweet girl and we
took her to family night at a member's home. This family, by the way- is awesome! The
mom is pregnant with her fifth child (which is unheard of around here). They are so
strong and just an awesome family. So they are great to take investigators to. It was
good. We did the spiritual though- one that Erin told me about strenthening families- it
is from the war chapters- Alma 50:1-6. They were pretty impresssed- so thanks Erin! :)
Well, have a great week everyone! Thats all for now. Over and out!
-Sister Boggs
2010 has begun at the Ward house! We kicked it off with a bang - our annual tradition of the Polar Bear Plunge. (Notice there are no dads there in that line-up. Ahem.)
Trevor and Logan competed in this year's Pinewood Derby and each were so proud of their car designs. Trevor's was the Blue & Gold Truck (Cub Scout colors) and Logan's was a yellow school bus!
Lizzie turned 6 years old! And celebrated with a wing dinger of a birthday party. 25 little kids running crazy through the house for 2 1/2 hours was SO MUCH FUN!
Jackson got a chance to work on his putting skills at the miniature golf place. This boy loves his sports - golf, bowling, driving the car down the street...
Jeremy and Jennifer are back into the full swing of life - routine days full of work, and kids. We do enjoy about 40 minutes of TV together a couple nights a week (yay for PSYCH, White Collar, LOST, and Chuck!) and go out on Saturday nights for some dinner.