November was a whirlwind. We filmed a holiday commercial for my school on channel 47 to air through December. Watch for us if you're local.
Ken and I met with a landscaper to design our backyard after some failed attempts at it ourselves. We can't wait to get the project started and then finished!!
For thanksgiving we had a turkey feast with the Motschiedler family and had a cuz and wife stay with us from Utah. We watched football and played Killer Uno til we couldn't think straight.
Ken and I started an intense workout (called P90x for those that have heard of it). We couldn't walk for a couple of days but now we have it down and are enjoying it.
December is here and we're looking forward to all the parties and events it brings.
Thanksgiving this year was awful! We didn't have any leftovers and thought we were going to die. Jennifer's table was beautiful, the food was delicious, the company and the games we played were very entertaining but, when we got home at the end of the day and didn't have any gravy or turkey or pumpkin pie in the house - AWFUL! Hope yours was the same - just awful like ours.
JEREMY had a week off at Thanksgiving and it was wonderful to have him home. He got all kinds of house and car projects done, put up Christmas lights, helped with all the housework and decorating for Thanksgiving, did some SERIOUS Black Friday shopping with his sweetheart, and got to see 2 movies at the theater.
JENNIFER got to decorate for a fall themed wedding. She worked with her sister-in-law, Kari, and had a great time fussing with everything fall. Cornstalks, pumpkins, pomegranates, persimmons, gold toulle, and gold berries galore!
TREVOR sang in his first choir festival ever! He's the cute brown haired boy in the front row on the left. Check out his mouth wide open and that concentration! His choir did an excellent job with their 2 songs - one of them was in Latin and they scored extra points for it's level of difficulty.
LOGAN's soccer season has come to an end. He had a great season - played hard, had fun, and thought he was on top of the world whenever he scored a goal during a game.
LIZZIE's soccer season has also come to an end. The highlight was having daddy as one of her coaches. She also got to play a game at Chuckchansi Park where she received a "Gold Medal" for playing!

JACKSON loves bowling. He asks at least once a week, "Mommy, we go bowling?" And finally we got to go! The day before Thanksgiving is our traditional bowling night. Jackson was in heaven! He never missed a turn and never once dropped that ball on his foot. Check out his cool bowling shoes!! He was so proud to wear those things.