We're in DENVER now! The expected 16 hour trip turned into a 36 hour trip somehow. We managed to underestimate how slow you drive in a huge truck pulling a trailer through crazy terrain and up to 11000 ft elevation. We all crammed into the cab of the penske and watched countless movies and ate countless snacks. Lucas did remarkably well and the hardest part was coaxing him back into the cab after stops. Luckily bribing him with the keys to the things for a few minutes did the trick. He felt powerful trying to drive it! We're in a small, nice apartment on the THIRD FLOOR and are looking for a nice BIG house to rent with a yard on the ground. Caralee is tired of carrying milk and Lucas up the stairs and the altitude here isn't helping her breathe better after such a feat! Eric likes his job and enjoys being outside all day long. Caralee packs his lunch everyday and thinks that he eats more food than two adults do in an entire day for that one meal! He has a nice neck tan now. We may be coming to Pismo, but may not as well depending on Eric's work schedule. We'll definitely be in town for a few short days at the end of July though. We miss Fresno a ton and can't wait to see you all again!
JEREMY got to ride along with the scouts in our ward for a hike to Half Dome in Yosemite. (He was released from this calling a couple of months ago, but loves hiking - he couldn't pass up this opportunity.)
JENNIFER fell off the face of the internet in June. School got out and we've been busy, Busy, BUSY with activities, chores and outings. (Check out those FREE MOVIES at Regal Theaters on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday if you haven't already.) We are too busy having fun!
TREVOR did Cub Scout Day Camp in June. Logan and Trevor both started water polo last month. They love the sport already and that alone makes their daddy so proud.
LOGAN got baptized the first week of June and is LOVING being 8! EIGHT IS GREAT! Trevor and Logan got to go together to Cub Scout Day Camp and had a blast shooting off rockets, fishing and shooting bows and arrows.
LIZZIE swam like a champ in her swim lessons. She was the smallest kid in the class, but she was also the fastest and strongest swimmer! She beat out all those big kids in every race! Way to go Lizzie!
JACKSON started swim lessons for the summer. He did a 2-week basic beginner course and did not pass. He was the biggest chicken! He had a few more lessons at home with daddy and is finally doing great! He's gotten over his swimming fear and is ready to conquer the pool. Now if only we could convince him to conquer the potty-training....
You know that this was Jacob's very first Pinewood Derby. So here are the pictures I took along the way. He had so much fun doing it with his dad and he told me that he wants me to have a baby boy so we can do it even more times.