McCrary News,
We have had a good month and took MLK Day off and went to a place here called Fat Cat’s. We rode the bumper cars twice and bought a bunch of tokens to play the arcade games. Then we went upstairs and they have a place called I-Fly and we watched people put on their suits and fly in the wind tunnel. Katelin has decided she wants to do this someday very soon. Say it with a whine: “It’s only Fifty Bucks for two minutes mom.” Like that’s going to happen anytime soon. On Friday nights we have a tradition to have Friday Night Movie Night at the McCrary’s. Sometimes we Redbox a movie and other times we check one out from a friendly neighbor. This month we found a new one at Redbox called City of Ember that the kids liked a lot.
John has had a particularly busy month and with his work he has traveled to Boise, Blackfoot, Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Rexburg, Twin Falls, Meridian, Nampa, Coeur d’Alene, Spokane, Missoula, Helena, Great Falls, Kalispell, Butte, Bozeman, Billings, Logan, Layton, Ogden and Bountiful. Actually, this is all his new territory and he just needed to see every part of it in the month of January to then decide what is most important to work in the future. Every time he came home the kids would rush him with the “I love you daddy” hugs and kisses. Thank goodness for cell phones. We talk to him morning and night and sometimes in between.
Carolyn was the family planner, homework helper, go getter and would plan a date every time John got home. We discovered a really nice Japanese restaurant this month that is really small and only open certain hours with reservations. So when you come to visit we will take you there. Then other nights we would either watch a movie after the kids went to bed or hit other restaurants. John and Carolyn went out and bought a Bosch Mixer (such a good idea) a couple of weeks ago and she has made a bunch of stuff. The Kitchen Aids gears were getting stripped trying to knead the dough. (Not a good idea.) The Bosch is mostly for breadmaking and she is quickly gathering bread recipes to try. Everything she has made so far has turned out exceptionally delicious. Katelin even told her one day that that was the best bread she had ever eaten. Next week she is going to try a multigrain bread recipe she just acquired over the weekend. Ella keeps telling her that she is AMAZING this month. What a good daughter.
Katelin did a cool book report this month on a non-fiction book and she had to make a pamphlet. The book she read was on Cheetah’s. So she got to use the internet to get pictures and made the pamphlet on Microsoft word. It turned out really professional looking. She enjoys riding her scooter to school on good days, but doesn’t like “Killer Hill.” It is a steep hill that goes straight up (10 times the height of Heart Attack Hill) and it is so tall that they have to stop and rest halfway up at the designated rest stop tree. The best part is riding home because she gets to ride down Killer Hill. Katelin went on a field trip to a local ski resort and took lessons and then when skiing all afternoon. She had a blast and is determined to make sure the family goes together before the snow melts. Like that’s going to happen anytime soon. She said she went down like 25 times and loves the ski lift.
Jacob is doing really good in school and is one of the best readers in his class. He also really likes math and loves science. He wants to be an astronaut when he grows up. He also loves riding his scooter to school and his favorite part is also going DOWN killer hill. Jacob is our families official mail getter after school and loves to have snowball fights with his sister and friends. He also enjoys shoveling snow piles and making huge footprints all around the yard with his snow boots on. Jacob started piano lessons this month. He is very excited about it because if he takes piano lessons for a year then he will be able to take violin/fiddle lessons next year a get a pair of cowboy boots. Then after he learns the violin he wants to learn how to play the banjo like his Grandpa Scott. Then he wants to learn how to play the drums. He likes any song that has a cool new beat that incorporates the fiddle played fast.
Ella oh Ella. We pray for our little Ella daily just so she won’t kill herself. One day she was wearing her socks around the house (it’s cold here) and did a cartwheel off one of our bar stools on accident. She also slipped and fell on the hardwood floor twice and landed flat on her back and head. A few days later she decided to take the office chair on wheels over to the pantry to sneak the chocolate chips and eat them before mommy found out. While she was on her tippy toes the chair moved and down she went. And this was only in a span of three days. This is what we deal with every day every week. it’s scary! The first Sunday of going into Primary she was walking down the hall to go to Primary and she was telling all her friends at the top of her voice that they better be going to Primary because it was time for Primary and they need to go to class so she can see them in Primary. No crying went on there. She was EXCITED and wanted the world to know it. She still thinks the music director is her teacher and her favorite time is singing time. She comes home and stands up on the bench seat we have at the base of our fireplace and wants everyone to listen to her sing. This is what she has started doing now since they won’t let her sing in front of everyone at church. She tried that twice in the last couple of months. No fear, loves to sing and talk, a social butterfly and loves chocolate. What a girl!
Really, another month has gone by?! We are down to about 2 1/2 months remaining until Eric comes home now. YEAH! Eric is super busy with Top Secret missions right now. We can't talk about it, so DON'T ASK!! :) Lucas gave me a scare by choking on a piece of a chicken nugget last month. I gave him the Heilmlich and he survived only to spend 16 hours total in the ER following the incident. Poor guy. No lasting damage done though, except for his newfound hate for nuggets. Hmm... Lucas is now in Nursery officially, thank goodness. I can actually myself as well as the teachers talk in church now. Yippee!!
The Fresno Boggs: We found something to do for Family Home Evening – Write our newsletter!
Jonathan started the year by going to Ft Lauderdale , Florida for a couple of days for a meeting in the 83 degree weather. I arrived at my hotel at 5 pm and went to my room on the 11th floor. Then I went down to the 5th floor for a meeting until 11 pm. Then back up to my room on the 11th floor. The next morning I went back down to the 5th floor for another day of meetings and then went back up to the 11th floor. Then finally I was able to go outside to walk the block to the required group dinner. Finally about 9 pm that night, my boss and I slipped out and went for a walk down to the beach two miles away. I stuck my hand in the Atlantic Ocean and we turned around and walked the two miles back to the hotel. The next day at lunch, a group of us scarfed down lunch and went for a walk outside just to get some air. That night the same group went to dinner real far away from the hotel – just outside the door on the patio. The following day after meetings till noon, I flew home. Great trip but don’t ask me anything about Ft Lauderdale.
This is the year that every student from grades 1-8 is supposed to be getting a new Language Arts textbook. Of course I want to sell all the ESL students my book. So, I am swamped contacting all the schools from Stockton to Bakersfield saying “Do you want to buy my book?” Now all we have to do is see if the state is going to have any $$ to pay for all my books.
Claudia: This past year (2008) seems to be a big blur, maybe posting monthly would help. After 4 ½ years serving as the Stake Young Women President I was released. I don’t cry often when I’m released from a call but I did this time; it was difficult leaving the young women and my great counselors. I now teach seminary which is my new love and refiner. I work part time at Cottage Quilts in sales, shipping and receiving; our store is online. I also teach beginning quilt classes. I designed a pattern, a simple receiving blanket using a self mitering technique. Two more new pattern designs are almost completed. My company name: Seamingly Easy Designs, clever-don’t you think? I’m currently designing the floor plan and displays for our booth in 3 quilt shows coming up this spring. I also do most of the displays in the store. My father past away in August, it was a very sad time for me. The joyful part of the loss was the opportunity to have my immediate family in town; it was the first time we were together in many years. (I do have a brother with MS who could not attend.) Over all, the year has been pretty good to us. We have had some challenges (Jonathan getting mugged, Ashley stopped breathing); we have also had very joyful moments. The best was a visit from an unexpected loved one. We have great kids; we love to have them around and do many things with them. One of our trips took us up to Yosemite to go ice skating, the trip was just breath taking; it was so beautifully white, crystal like. Truly a winter wonderland! Pismo was great too! Well many things are coming back to mind...but I’ll stop... I don’t want to be long winded or boring. This year we’ll check in more often with new update and news.
Chelsy: Well lets see if I can sum up what I have been doing this month....Driving my parents crazy and up the wall...Yep that should do it. I have been having a blast hanging out with a group of people from my ward. We do something every weekend. It ranges from girls nights to midnight movie nights to hot tub parties, and not getting home till the wee hours of the morning (5 am i think was the latest i stayed out). I have re-joined choir and am in charge of the music for Relief Society. I help out with Break the Fast and Linger Longer. I do the ward bulletins. I have just joined the Temple prep class. I am currently not in school, so I am just working now. Speaking of which, I am looking for a part time job on tues and thurs mornings, preferably secretarial work. If you know of any can you give me a call? Pls? Other than that I am loving my life and having a blast with my best friends...Peace Out :P
Ashley is up to her usual no good, but then again, what else is new? Other than chasing boys, runnin up the phone bills, not to mention the medical bills, and dancing till I drop (literally), there’s not much to report! =) so that was a lie… my life has been pretty fun! I was doing Color Guard, and had a great time with that, but the drama got a little to crazy, so now im gonna try some new stuff… I did manage to land my self in the hospital (at least I didn’t break any bones this time) because my genius self decided to stop breathing… (actually, it was my revenge at mom for making me turn off my movie and go back to bed =) so that was exciting. I managed to hide my boyfriend from my parents for eight months… but they found out ( of course) and now im grounded till im 85 =)… Im going to be in our stake musical, ONE of FOUR dancers, so im a little nervous, i have never danced ballet, but here I am, doing advanced jumps… YIKES! You should come and watch! Its gonna be on March 14 at 5:30 and 7:00 and again on March 15 at I think 6:30, but we’ll have to check on that. Im loving my foods and nutrition class, and Ive finally decided that that’s what I want to do with my life… so… I don’t know what else to say… but that’s me! oh ya, im looking for a job starting this summer, so if you know any, let me know!
David went to pismo, the channel islands, music camp at lake sequoia, and practically everywhere else this past summer jk jk. Now all I get to do is go to school. BORING!! Any way I did turn 15 last month and woo hoo!!!!! Just a question; any body have a horse I can have because I don’t want to be my own pack mule at philmont in new mexico this summer...??? I do also want to go to music camp again but the first time I asked I was told I had to pay my own way. Anybody need their lawn mowed or windows washed? no wait I still have to get parental permission about that... I’m coming up blank on anything else...
JEREMY has been super busy with work. "What does a principal do to keep so busy?" you ask. Well...he's been busy putting together a training meeting for his staff, a presentation for the district's principals, and working on an application for the National Blue Ribbon Award. He's also been coordinating all the scouting activities for the ward - overnighters, court of honor, calendar, and regular activities. He also took Jennifer to the high school musical - Titanic. He loved seeing his nephew star on stage.
JENNIFER hosted a lovely baby shower for Amy. All the Fresno Boggs Girls were there. It was so nice to see everyone, eat yummy food (there will be another post with those salad recipes very soon so stay tuned!), and watch Amy open girly gift after girly gift. That girl, her name is Bella, will the the cutest thing around.
TREVOR was a wrestling fool in January. He did not get to wrestle at one of the matches - an oversight by someone in charge - and that was made up to him at the next match. He wrestled THREE times! Jeremy got to be there to see it and Samuel and Gramma Elizabeth and his other gramma. He did so good - especially when Uncle Samuel yelled out the moves to help him do better. Trevor also did the pine wood derby this month. The best part was choosing a design and making the car.
LOGAN did the Polar Bear Plunge on January 1st. This little tradition began 2 years ago. All the kids jump in the pool on the first day of the year - no matter how cold it is outside. Logan loved it! He did the whole thing with a smile on his face. He also made his first pine wood derby car - he won't officially be a scout until May, but they let him compete this year anyway.
LIZZIE turned 5 years old in January and asked if she could go to kindergarten the next day. She was so disappointed when she found out that she'd have to wait until after the summer before she got to start school! She also started taking gymnastics at the same place that does the dance lessons. No more dance - just gymnastics. She's getting better at that cartwheel every week.
JACKSON is learning how to climb out of his crib. Finally! He's almost 3 years old! We took a family train ride to Hanford inspired by Jackson's love of trains. This boy was in hog heaven the entire ride!